Adjusting To a New Normal...

Adjusting To a New Normal...

Everything is changing. Accepting and surrendering to that idea might be the key. We are stepping into a great unknown. The question is, can we hold the vibration of love and connection in our hearts while we are forced to physically separate? 

It is also our sincerest wish that as you adapt to current times, you find moments of peace and happiness within yourself or with those closest to you. Often, when our daily tasks and workload piles up, we tend to forget to pause and appreciate our loved ones (human or animal). As our nation collectively pauses for safety and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we wish you and yours the best in health and solitude. 

At Ultra Oil, we're complying with all federal recommendations to ensure the safety and well-being of our community, customers, and employees. We take our service to others very seriously and stand in solidarity with you as we meet the challenges of current times. 

Blessing to you all,

Ultra Oil For Pets 

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