Ultra Oil Saved Coco

Ultra Oil Saved Coco

Ultra Oil has been transforming pet lives all over the United States and Canada. We receive testimonials daily from our customers. The transformation of Coco a senior mini dachshund had our team in tears. We are honored to share Coco’s healing journey with you.

I adopted a senior mini dachshund named Coco in East Los Angeles about five years ago. She appeared rather neglected, with numerous ailments including chronic skin and ear infections, a mouth full of rotten teeth, in addition to having been run over by a car. She had been brought to a shelter and was kept there with a broken pelvis, back, and leg for ten days before a rescuer found her.

While they were able to heal those injuries, we have been treating her skin conditions as best we could. She was incessantly licking and biting her paws, her genitals, and constantly itching her ears. Our vet at the time suggested all sorts of foot soaks and baths and topical treatments, but nothing worked. We tried a raw diet. We tried probiotics. We tried allergy shots. We tried topical treatments with manuka honey and topical treatments with expensive antibiotics. And the salmon oils and allergy supplements I tried as well, not to mention CBD products that just make her sleepy. Nothing worked and it seemed like she was in a constant state of discomfort. It was really breaking my heart that I couldn’t make this dog comfortable after all she had been through.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago and we’ve since moved to Canada, near Vancouver. I was shopping at Korna Pet in Coquitlam, British Columbia and the nice woman working the register asked if I wanted some samples. Sure, why not. She gave me a small bottle of Ultra Oil and I passed it off to my husband who is responsible for feeding her. He started adding it to her food and two days later I noticed she felt softer. She already has a shiny coat but there was less dandruff. Another few days went by and she wasn’t biting and scratching. At all. It used to be a 45-minute routine of her biting her paws in the morning while I try to restrain her or apply a salve that she didn’t like. As I’m typing this, she’s snoozing peacefully and not trying to bite off her nails. She’s a completely different dog now. Even her breath is better. I’ve held off writing this email in case I jinxed this miracle somehow but I think it’s safe to say it’s working.

I just wanted to say thank you. It is such a relief, for all of us, that she can just focus on what she does best: napping, barking at other dogs, eating, trying to eat garbage off the street, and trying to convince us to give her what’s on our dinner plates. She has a very busy schedule and I think she’s grateful to be able to devote all of her energy towards her hopes and dreams (of barbecued steelhead skin falling into her food bowl).

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